Monday, January 11, 2010

Obligatory Intro

Hello to whoever may be reading this. My name is David. At the time of this post, I am a junior in high school with a lot of options for my future. Besides playing video games and acting onstage, one of my favorite hobbies is writing. Now, I'm not talking about the English-class, topic-chosen-for-you writing; I'm referring to the stories in our own heads, created by years of childhood imagination. I used to make up tear-jerking songs on my way home from first grade. My friend Patrick, his sister, and I created an entire story one afternoon on his swing set. I thought up entire movie scripts, complete with special effects, plot twists, and sequel potential, all before I graduated middle school.

I'm unsure what I want to do as a career: act in movies or on the stage, design video games, or maybe even teach. But one thing that has always been a desire of mine has been to write plays for a living. Though it may not become my profession, I could always write on the side. Over the past few years, I've processed many of my ideas, and I plan on working on them extensively. I plan to share my ideas with you as I progress in age and ability. Although many might pass over this, hopefully a lucky few will stick around long enough to humor a simple playwright.

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